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Christine’s Wish: One Last Game

June 2024

Christine's wish set a new record for how quickly we can grant a wish, which is only possible with the amazing support of dedicated people like you!


Christine contacted Angels Anonymous with an extraordinary wish she wanted to receive. When her son was young, he would save up money to take his mom to Oiler's games. This was a special tradition that they enjoyed.


The last game they went to together was a 1997 playoff game against Dallas.

With Christine's health declining she wanted to continue their tradition, only this time she would be taking him. Christine contacted us on a Wednesday, the next game was on Sunday, and to come full circle it was against Dallas.


Initially, Brenda, our wish facilitator was very nervous about how we would make this happen. With only 3 days to secure playoff tickets, the odds were stacked against us.


However, she informed the board as to what the recipient was requesting. And as luck would have it, one of our amazing board members knew someone with season tickets. This kind and generous person sold us the tickets at face value and allowed our recipient to continue their family tradition with her son.


They enjoyed a wonderful victory against Dallas! Christine won a Connor McDavid jersey which her son will cherish after she is gone.


The next day she enjoyed an Oilers-themed Chinese buffet lunch with some old friends, allowing her a chance to say goodbye.

Wish Supporter: Anonymous Season Tickets Holder


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